Sunday 3 January 2010


I know a lot of you know all about birches already, but for those who don't.... The above pic is the isle of man birch. Five or six slender rods about 1 metre long.
This is a judicial birch and immensely painful as it is in effect six thin 'canes' or 'switches'.

The more erotic birch as beloved by the Victorians is that seen below.
This is composed of lots of small branches with their thin ends and sharp tips. This birch has to be applied to the bare skin as otherwise it really doesn't hurt whatsoever.

This birch stings abominably on the bare and has been described as 'being whipped with red hot wire'. Such is the bite of the sharp stinging twigs on the bare skin that even a mere 'whisking' is very difficult to bear. The splay of the twigs mean that a large area can be covered at a time, and very often a good birching will result in some surface bleeding due to sharp ends piercing the skin. Half an hour after a birching with this birch rod, the bottom is like a furnace, and hence why it was so loved by the victorians in their kinkier side of love making.


  1. Victorian era men, knew how to birch a naughty woman on her bare bottom. Yes, those were the days, and sometimes I wish they were back. I can dream can't I.

  2. I have made an implement such as the upper one with three canes bound together at the handle end. I found it a waste of time because the force of the stroke is divided by three and so is dissipated. There is no substitute for the proper single rattan cane.
