Saturday 12 December 2009


A very nice person sent me some pics like these. (all contributions welcome). Too late to change your mind was meant to be those situations where consenting adults allowed themselves to be placed into bondage, on furniture, etc. for acts of titillation. Of course once secured then anything can happen.... However, there is another aspect of this topic where the victim has been judicially sentenced to some form of punishment. The 'too late...' theme is in the fcat that the crime has been committed and the sentence passed. Here is a pic of this ilk. I adore this style of pic as it has a purpose built device for securing the victim. The facial expression is one of real suffering (which makes it a little more risque than other pics), an dof course for the bottom lovers out there, the arse is nice and plump. All this coupled with a public thrashing makes it a fine work of art.


  1. Well hello, hope you're well. Truly a superb collection of pics. Right now I wish I was the woman in this picture :-)

  2. Mmm! I think many of us would like to watch if you were the lady in the pic :-)

  3. A beautiful drawing of a naughty woman who the courts found to be guilty of stealing. So they ordered her to be corporally disciplined. The use of a pliable painfull cane, applied to her bare bottom is the just and end result.

  4. Who is the artist? It looks something like Sassy's work, but she doesn't do judicial.

  5. Don't know the artist but I have a number of similar works. I believe they are german in origin.
